Sunday, February 5, 2012

What doctor do you need?

As a Naturopath doctor it is very rewarding helping people with their health. I believe all of us are on this planet to help other people and I can't think of a better way than to help people with their most precious asset - their health. I always state that "health is wealth",and no truer words have been spoken. This last week my body was attacked by not one but two different parasites - mildew and virus. I had the opportunity to feel the way many of my clients feel - sick! Yes, it did put me down for a few days but by knowing what I know I knew that all I had to do was muscle test myself, find the problem and take whatever I had to take and I would be fine - and today I feel great.
But, most people don't have the luxury of being able to "fix" themselves like I can do. Instead they must rely on the medical community to help them and sad to say with dismal results. If I would have went to the medical doctor first I would have been put on at least one antibiotic and other medicines. Would they have helps? I don't think so. The antibiotic would not have killed the mildew in my gut and probably not the virus in my muscle. Instead it would have put more toxins into my body that would cause more imbalance which my body did not need.
So, to get well and stay healthy I believe the first step of getting healthy without the drugs is when you are not feeling good start by visiting your Naturopath doctor. If you are in a serious emergency, bleeding, heart problems, breathe issues go to your local emergency room or family
MD. I always tell people if I am not feeling well such as fatigue, digestive disorders, pain, or discomfort start with the most non-invasive approach possible - a Naturopathic Doctor. If you are having a severe emergency go to the people who are equipped to handle those situations- your allopathy doctor. I believe there is a need for both conventional and alternative choices for the situation and you should have the right to choose which you and your family need for the particular problem.
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