Tuesday, May 14, 2019

                                     THE BLOOD NEVER LIES - OR DOES IT?

An MD from an Indianapolis hospital recently shadowed me and after watching me do a consultation with a patient he asked “what happens when your muscle testing does not correspond with the blood test?” I answered that in most cases the tests support each other but what if they don’t?
The public has been programmed that a blood test is the medical standard of health. But, is it really? There is no question that blood tests are valuable tools to look at the “macro” picture. Yes it will show many things that is possibly happening in the body, but it does not show what is happening at the tissue and cell level.
This is where the art of muscle testing and The Body Balance Healing System can give you even more information. Here is a true experience that just happened that will explain the importance of both.
A lady told me that she had just had a blood test that showed that her Vitamin D was excessive in the blood and her doctor told her to stop her Vitamin D because her Vitamin D level was in the toxic range. The lady was also suffering from osteoporosis. After examining her I found that her bones were actually low in Vitamin D at the tissue level. She was high in the blood because her Vitamin D, which we have to have to use Calcium, was not being used and dumped back in the blood.
By finding this imbalance we easily corrected the problem so both her Vitamin D and Calcium would be used in the bone.
This is just one example of how a blood test was used to help this client. So, did the blood lie? No, not really. The blood was telling exactly what was going on in the body. But, the intrepretation of the blood test was not accurate for the patient.
By using both blood test and muscle testing you can find the truth.

Dr. Jerry Weber. ND

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Secrets of Natural Health - Are We Being Lead Down The Wrong Path?

Hello all my health crazy friends,
I’m back and better than ever. I have so much to share with you. This information is knowledge that most people don’t know and doctors don’t tell you (because most of them don’t know). So if you are interested in learning lots of secrets of natural healing techniques that I have used for years then hold on and stay tuned in. It’s going to be like a roller coaster ride - a little scary but exciting and hopefully you will want to come back and do it again.
 I will be posting new information twice per week just to keep you informed of all the exciting discoveries that we make in natural health. If you would like more information about what I do and lots of natural health tips check out my old blogs. Also, you can watch videos of my work on Facebook at Health and Wellness of Carmel

                          NATURAL HEALTH SECRET OF THE DAY #1

                        ITS NOT ABOUT THE GERM, ITS THE TERRAIN
      Louis Pasteur was the scientist who brought to the medical world the ‘germ theory’ which is still used today in “modern medicine.”
      His rival, a French scientist and MD, was Antoine Beauchamp. He stated “Germs do not cause disease in the real sense. Something happens in the body to allow the germ to become invasive.”

The medical world ‘bought’ Louis Pasteur’s ‘germ theory.’ But, the end of the story is that on Louis Pasteur’s death bed he stated, “ The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

Are we being lead down the wrong path?
When you get sick what do you do - fight the germ with antibiotics?
If you make this dreadful choice you are putting you health in jeopardy.
Visit my next blog and I will tell you another secret

Dr.Jerry Weber, ND
