Monday, July 8, 2013

The Concept of Wellness

We have all heard the word or even spoken the word - WELLNESS. What is wellness? This is what this blog is going to discuss. If  you are interested in living a vibrant full life The Concept of Wellness should be very important for you to discover. You won't reach your goal of long vibrant life without it.
Wellness is more than lack of disease. As a society we have been programmed that if we are not sick we are healthy. I am sorry but that is not wellness.
Wellness is a lifestyle. It is how we think, what we believe and the actions that we take. For every action there is a reaction or result. Wellness starts with making a decision to want to start on a journey of health and wellness.
But this journey is different. There is no destination. It is a daily, step by step group of activities that soon turn into habits which changes your destiny and health. You have two choices. Every day of your life you are choosing to be healthier or not. You are on a journey. All of us are going somewhere. The question is ; "are you controlling where you are going to be in 10 years or are you just "letting it happen", flowing with the crowd.
What I see in our society I personally would not want to follow. If you do, then that is fine with me but you are reading the wrong blog. If you want to make the decision to get on the "bus going toward health" than start today.
Start thinking, talking, studying and doing something healthier than you have been doing. You are not going to change everything overnight. Start with one thing. Change one bad food to a better food. Drink more water. Walk more. Mediate. Pray. Breathe. Just doing any of these things will move you farther on the path of health and wealth.
If you get really serious work with a Naturopath doctor to help guide you as your health coach. Time is precious. As health professionals we can guide you in the most efficient manner toward your goals.
Enjoy the journey.

Dr. Jerry Weber, N.D.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Dream Comes True

Since becoming a Naturopath doctor I had always dreamed about the idea of one day the medical field and the natural health field would marry. They would come together for one purpose - to give to the patient the best health care as possible.
As I walked my path of becoming the Naturopath that I am today, I was working one day
in a chiropractic office. That day the receptionist told me that a I was seeing a new client -  a medical doctor. Why would a medical doctor be coming to see me? I soon met a well dressed middle age man who introduced himself on a first name basis - not doctor. He wanted for me to help him.
Nervously I started my exam using muscle testing as I did on every client. I wondered what he was going to think about muscle testing so I had to see by explaining what I wanted to do as I started. As I  began my explanation of muscle testing he politely listened and then informed me that he also used muscle testing in his practice. WOW! Did I hear him right. A real medical doctor who believe in muscle testing enough to use it with his patients.
After helping him and quite a few of his patients relieve their health problems I was asked to join the doctor's practice as their Natiropath doctor. What an honor, a thrill, opportunity and challenge. The challenge like any marriage - learning how to work together as a team- taking two sides of the coin, much like female.male or yin/yang and make it one.
My vision has now manifested itself into reality. The practice of functional medicine and naturopathy under one roof, working with each patient on a wide assortment of natural modalities, treating the body as a whole. That is my dream and I want to thank God for the opportunity to live my dream.

Sunday, February 3, 2013



I see clients each and every day that are suffering from intense pain. By the time they get with me they have tried most of the more conventional approaches. Once through all the anti-biotics, pain pills and depressants with no results they are ready to try something else. 
What these clients need to understand is that MOST if not all of these approaches have been to relieve the pain. It is important that a person understands that  pain is not the bad guy. It might be painful to hear this news. You are probably saying, "he doesn't know how much pain I am in." And in all due respect I am not trying to dismiss the anguish  and pain that you or a loved one is suffering. But, the truth of the matter of health is: PAIN IS ONLY THE MESSENGER. It is not the cause of the pain. Actually this discomfort is the body trying to tell you it needs help. But, most clients choose to kill the messenger instead of addressing the underlying cause of the pain.
Working together to find the root cause of the pain is the cornerstone of Naturopathy and Functional Medicine. 
A client we will name R came to me with her mother. She was in her twenties. She was suffering and had been for quite a few years. I explained to her and her mother as I did my exam that she was not digesting protein and there is no way to get healthy when you are not receiving the correct amount of amino acids every day. She started on our enzyme program for protein digestion. She came back and she still wasn't feeling any better. She was still nauseated and sick at her stomach.
Through muscle testing I added enzymes and nutrients for the gall bladder which were testing was causing the nausea. She also had tissue damage in the jejenum from the years of undigested proteins which also were causing auto-immune system issues which they were aware of.
I just seen her for her third visit and she could now eat with no stomach pain, no nausea and less pain. No she was not completely well, but she was in less pain. The body was saying "thank you for listening to my pleas." We still have more to do until she has no pain. And as long as the body is communicating with pain I know there is still more layers that must be discovered and uncovered on the journey of health.
As a Naturopath doctor I always am asking the same question, "WHY". Why is this pain happening? One thing for sure - when you experience pain your body is in trouble, it is out of balance. That is my job - what a good Naturopath doctor does, find these imbalances and correct them which will allow the body to function with no pain - that is how it was designed to function. And that is what I call Perfect Health.